Computer Magazine CHIP (2016)
Test Plagiarism Search Systems, c't (2011)
Test HTW Berlin (2010)
Find and examine the sources of your text - simply and intuitively

Welcome to PlagAware
PlagAware is a professional plagiarism search engine that has been used by numerous universities, schools, companies and private users for over 10 years.
The plagiarism software has received numerous awards for its outstanding search accuracy and intuitive user guidance. PlagAware is suitable for everything from simply comparing two texts to detecting paraphrased plagiarism in billions of documents.
Unique features for the "Best and most comprehensive Plagiarism Check"

Award-winning Plagiarism Checker
The multiple award-winning Plagiarism Check is carried out with the FullScan technology and can find sources from over 70 billion online documents and your own comparative texts.

Intuitive and interactive Evaluation
Review the sources you have found in the clearly arranged results report, analyze and evaluate paraphrasing in the graphical comparison.

Free version scan
You only pay for the first plagiarism scan of your review text - all subsequent scans of versions and revisions of your text are free!

Organisations and individual users
Whether it's a quick check of your own work or routine quality assurance of texts in large organisations - PlagAware offers the appropriate features.
How exactly does PlagAware work?
Have you ever entered suspicious sections of text into a search engine such as Google or Bing? Maybe because there were style breaks or you just wanted to make sure that it was an original text? The detection algorithm by PlagAware works in the same way in principle - but much more efficiently, reliably and precisely.

Your result in less than 10 minutes
Due to our efficient infrastructure, the complete run usually takes less than 10 minutes. Your test text never leaves our data centers in Germany. All data are fully subject to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
1. Extraction and normalization of the test text
After you have the started the plagiarism check, the test text is read from your document and normalized. Text variants with synonyms are also created, the document is automatically translated into other languages and word separations are undone. Images and formatting play no role in the scanning of your document.
2. Search in online sources and reference texts
Individual sentence fragments are taken from the normalized test text and evaluated for their relevance. For these sentence fragments - several hundred for an average page - the FullScan algorithm is used to find possible matches with online sources and reference texts.
3. Evaluation of the sites
The found locations - often several thousand for a single page - are compared individually with the test text. PlagAware uses a variant of the so-called BLAST algorithm , which was originally used for sequence analysis in bioinformatics was developed.
4. Calculate the result report and the percentage
Finds that are considered relevant are listed in a intuitive result report summarized. The conformity of the test text with the found sources is shown here. The calculated percentage indicates the degree to which the test text matches online sources or reference texts.
Professional Plagiarism Prevention for Unique Texts
More than 70 billion sources
for the most accurate and reliable plagiarism scan
More than 40.000 active users
from over 300 universities, schools and businesses
More than 25.000 scans
each month to secure highest quality unique texts
Securing Academic Integrity for Universities and Schools

Plagiarism detection for schools, colleges and universities
PlagAware was developed for the plagiarism detection of papers from the teaching business like homework, seminar papers, master's theses, bachelor's theses, dissertations or habilitation theses. For this purpose, PlagAware accesses all documents available for free on the Internet, which have been indexed by search engines. Additionally own reference documents, such as works from past volumes or licensed scholarly articles, can be stored in a protected library and are thus available as additional sources for your scans.
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Plagiarism Check for Students
Many schools and universities already conduct routine scans of Bachelor theses, master theses, seminar papers, term papers, and other texts. It is therefore becoming increasingly important for pupils and students to know the sources of their own work and correctly identify them. PlagAware supports this process by reliably displaying all electronic sources of the work, listing and highlighting them in color. With the plagiarism detection you make sure, that all sources are correctly identified and you do not run into any problems during the correction process of your work.
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Duplicate Content Checker for SEO, Publishing Houses, Editorial Offices and Agencies
In the context of search engine optimization of web presences, the guarantee of unique content is becoming increasingly important. PlagAware supports operators of websites with the Duplicate Content Checker to offer unique texts: The tools for text comparison provide a fast and intuitive overview of identical sections in several documents, while the plagiarism detection ensures that texts from agencies and third party authors are also scanned for the necessary level of integrity.
trending_flatMore InformationImmediate Online Detection Starting at €12.99
Package S
- 100 Pages
- no contractual obligations
Package M
- 250 Pages
- no contractual obligations
Package L
- 500 Pages
- no contractual obligations
Package XL
- 1500 Pages
- no contractual obligations
More questions about PlagAware?
question_answer How exactly does the scan work with PlagAware?
PlagAware's scan engine is based on the award-winning FullScan algorithm That ensures that every sentence of your work is really analyzed. The algorithm was recently awarded the title "Best Plagiarism Detection for German Texts" (Network for Academic Integrity, 2020).
To carry out the test, the document content is first taken from the file you uploaded. Relevant sections are then identified from the text, for which correspondences are searched in over 70 billion online sources and own reference papers. The sites are analyzed and summarized in a clear test report.
question_answer When and for whom is a plagiarism scan useful?
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For universities, schools and other teaching facilities, the routine plagiarism scan is already an integral part of the assessment of a job. With good reason: In today's world, where scientific work in electronic form is just a mouse click away, ensuring academic integrity is of great importance.
The absence of a scan of the submitted works means that attempts at fraud remain undetected. This applies not only to scientific work such as bachelor theses, master's theses or dissertations, but also to daily homework. The plagiarism software can be seamlessly integrated into existing digital learning systems such as Moodle in order to reliably detect unauthorized group work or other plagiarized texts.
In the case of scientific publications in particular, it can cause serious damage to the reputation of the university if plagiarism affairs become publicly known. Because a plagiarism detection can be carried out easily and inexpensively, it often falls back on the examiner and thus on the university if obvious plagiarism is only subsequently discovered by another party.
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Conversely, it is important for students, pupils and generally for authors of academic and school papers to have correctly identified each source. Often, in the heat of the moment, a source is not or not fully stated, which the examiner at the university or school could consider as an attempt at fraud.
If the allegation of fraud cannot be refuted, the work is generally rated as insufficient. In the worst case, this can lead to the deprivation of the academic degree , as has been observed in the known plagiarism affairs of recent years.
In addition to the academic and scientific damage to one's own reputation, an allegation of plagiarism often has an impact on professional career and private success: people who have been accused of plagiarism always less trust brought towards. Often, the flaw of trying to decorate yourself with someone else's feathers can never be completely eliminated.
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For Content Marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), unique content, so-called Unique Content , is of central importance. Since search engines understandably only want to list the same content once, texts that have already been found elsewhere (Duplicate Content) are ignored.
Unfortunately, Google, Bing & Co. can only decide to a limited extent which text is the original and which text is the plagiarism. It can therefore easily happen that your own page does not appear in the Google results because another page has plagiarized your own text - which is commonly referred to as content theft.
Even if you create or have content created for your own website, the article should be scanned by a Unique Content Checker like PlagAware. This prevents you from unintentionally placing low-quality duplicate content online, which jeopardizes your search engine ranking (Search Engine Result Pages, SERP).
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question_answer What distinguishes PlagAware from other plagiarism software?
- check_circle In contrast to many small providers, PlagAware is a professional plagiarism software that has been successfully used in numerous universities, schools and companies for over 10 years.
- check_circle With PlagAware, your work is not stored in a plagiarism database, as is the case with many other systems. Question providers with their own plagiarism database - after all, these texts have to come from somewhere.
- check_circle The quality of the PlagAware's scan engine is multiple test winner in comparison tests. only this year PlagAware was awarded the best plagiarism checker for German texts by the Network for Academic Integrity.
- check_circle PlagAware is a manufacturer of plagiarism software and not a reseller like other providers. For you, this means that you benefit from cheaper prices and more professional support.
- check_circle With PlagAware you can perform scans on text versions free of charge - without any time restrictions! This means that you can revise your text, add sources and have them reviewed again until no more plagiarisms are found.
- check_circle Schools and universities can use PlagAware with a fixed price license, which enables the plagiarism checking of all texts for an unlimited number of user accounts .
- check_circle With PlagAware you not only receive a result report, but you can interactively evaluate the plagiarism report, e.g. to Add or exclude sources.
- check_circle At PlagAware you can store your own reference texts and thus build a private library against which you can check. This library can even be shared with other users of PlagAware from the same organization.
- check_circle In addition to the checking of academic work, PlagAware offers comprehensive options for preventing content theft, which continuously monitor websites and raise the alarm if duplicate content is detected.
- check_circle In contrast to other providers, PlagAware is developed and operated entirely in Germany. Your data is therefore fully subject to the European General Data Protection Regulation GDPR.
question_answer Does the plagiarism detection at PlagAware affect the evaluation of work at my university?
No. Your data will be kept strictly confidential and will never be passed on to third parties. If you want, your work will be deleted completely and automatically after completion of the exam - either immediately or after a freely selectable period of time. In particular, your work is not transferred to a plagiarism database against which other users of PlagAware can carry out checks.
Therefore, performing a self-check at PlagAware has no influence on a future plagiarism check at a university. This also applies to all reference documents that have been uploaded to the personal library.
An exception to this applies only to users of volume and fixed price licenses: Here, the license administrator can decide whether the library texts of the users of a license are to be exchanged. You can find further information on this under Management of a PlagAware license.
Attention: In contrast to PlagAware, numerous other providers use works submitted to set up their own plagiarism database and to scan future work against this database. Please keep this in mind if you come across promises of advertising of the type "plagiarism check against millions of your own texts". Ultimately, you have to decide whether in this case the protection of your work or the plagiarism check against a plagiarism database from previous work by other students is more important to you.
question_answer What happens to my work after I upload it?
After uploading your work, the text content of the original file is read out and the original file is deleted from our server. Before you start the exam, you will be shown exactly how many pages will be charged.
The search for plagiarisms is done entirely online in the background and without manual interaction by comparing your text with billions of online sources and with texts in your own library. Suspicious documents - often many thousands for scientific work - are compared word for word with your text and the relevance is calculated. For this, PlagAware usually takes less than 10 minutes.
After completing the detection, you will receive a clear PDF report, which highlights the sources found in the text and links them to the places where they were found. You can evaluate and edit the sources in detail in your user area. All work completed? Then delete all data completely with one click.
question_answer How long are mine bought ScanCredits durable?The ScanCredits have an unlimited shelf life and can be used for scanning of future work.
question_answer Which texts are used by PlagAware's plagiarism search engine?The scan engine uses all texts freely available on the Internet. If you have your own texts (e.g. reference texts from previous years, licensed journals, purchased articles, etc.), so these can be included in the scanning process via the "library".
question_answer Who uses PlagAware?PlagAware has been active by more than 40,000 for over 10 years Used by users from over 300 schools, universities and companies. You too can trust our many years of experience!

With PlagAware you are in good company!
Over 300 universities, schools and companies already use PlagAware! Trust our many years of experience!