Experiences with Plagiarism Check by PlagAware

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At PlagAware you are in good company - with over 40,000 active users from over 300 schools, universities and companies. PlagAware carries out an average of 25,000 plagiarism checks - month after month!

PlagAware in the press and in test reports

PlagAware has been closely examined in numerous articles and tests - always with excellent results. We are happy to share the testers' experience with our plagiarism check.

"Best Plagiarism Check for German texts"

The working group TeSToP (Testing of Support Tools for Plagiarism Detection) of the European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI) carried out a large comparative study on the reliability and usability of plagiarism software in 2020. PlagAware was rated as the "best performing tool for German language".

"Best and most extensive plagiarism check"

In its online edition CHIP practical tips, the computer magazine CHIP tested on the subject of "checking plagiarism" from 2016 for various services for checking plagiarism. The editorial team headlined: "The best and most extensive is the plagiarism check at PlagAware".

"Best in the test"

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) summarized the test results in the article "Scientific work: The plagiarism scanner" on March 8th, 2011. We follow together: "The three programs that perform best in the test of the plagiarism research group are PlagAware, Ephorus and Turnitin "an American program".

"Found more web sources than most providers"

The computer magazine c't put plagiarism services to the test in its issue of 10/2011. Not only scientific articles but also general texts were examined. The editors said: "PlagAware found more web sources than most providers."

"One of the best in usability"

In a further comparative test by the University of Applied Sciences Berlin (HTW) in 2013, the usability of PlagAware was emphasized in addition to the good recognition rates: "PlagAware was one of the best systems in the field of usability".

"Best placed system in the test"

In a first comparative test carried out by the Berlin University of Applied Sciences in 2010, the recognition performance of PlagAware was rated as the leader in the comparison field. The test team around the well-known plagiarism hunter Prof. Debora Weber-Wulff summed up: "The best-placed system in the test is PlagAware"

Our customers have their say: Their experience with Plagiarism Testing by PlagAware

Thank you for numerous feedback, positive experiences and numerous suggestions for improvement! Here we show you a small selection of the experiences with the plagiarism check from PlagAware.

Experience of PlagAware users in universities, colleges and schools

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"The integration of the plagiarism check in Moodle is particularly useful for our teaching company. As a result, the examination office sees the plagiarism assessment right next to the submitted work. "

Chair of the examination board at a university in Baden-Württemberg

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"Thank you for the great support!
With the new sublicenses, all schools in our district can now access a common plagiarism database."

Administrator of a PlagAware license for eight secondary schools in a district in Bavaria

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"We use PlagAware almost every day for our theses and have good experience with the plagiarism check. Even less tech-savvy colleagues can handle it well."

Research assistant at a university in Berlin

Pupils and students experiences

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"PlagAware didn't find anything - and neither did my university!"

Anna on April 14th, 2020

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"With PlagAware I actually found a forgotten source - thank you!"

Noah on January 5th, 2020

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"Everything went great! Thank you for the explanations and the great support!"

Ali on November 12th, 2019

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"Great service - thank you!"

Jasmin am 15.11.2019

Do you have your own experience with the plagiarism check from PlagAware?

We look forward to your feedback! Please write to our Support Team What you liked and where you still see room for improvement! Your experience is important to us in order to further improve PlagAware!

The PlagAware Community - a small selection of our customers

Logo Uni Marburg
Logo Apollon Hochschule
Logo Bergische Uninvesität Wuppertal
Logo Uni Leipzig
Logo Carl Theodor Schule
Logo Cyberjava University
Logo Erwin Strittmatter Gymnasium
Logo Uni Potsdam
Logo Steinbeis Berlin
Logo Gesis
Logo Gesamtschule Hamm
Logo Uni Regensburg
Logo Gymnasium Würzburg
Logo Hochschule Liepzig
Logo Johann Conrad Schaun Schule
Logo OSZ Oder Spree
Logo Remstal Gymnasium
Logo Schulen Offenburg
Logo WKO Wien
Logo Fachschule Vinohak
Logo Uni Bayreuth
Logo Uni Freiburg
Logo Uni Halle
Logo Bertolt Brecht Gymnasium
Logo Andrassy Universität Budapest
Logo Werner Heisenberg Schule
Logo Gymnasium am Ölberg

Encrypted transmission of documents and secure payment options

  • encrypted data transmission
  • Payment of plagiarism check by PayPal
  • Payment of plagiarism scan by Sofortueberweisung